Trial Management Publications
Following is a cumulative list of Hoosier Cancer Research Network publications in trial management.
Manuscripts and Journal Articles
- Yu M, Yiannoutsos C: Designs for Phase II Trials with Trade-off between Efficacy and Toxicity. JP Journal of Biostatistics 2007.
- Fisher WB, Cohen J, Hammond MK, Turner S, Loehrer PJ: Clinical Trials in Cancer Therapy Efforts to Improve Patient Enrollment by Community Oncologists. Medical and Pediatric Oncology 19:165-168, 1991.
Abstracts, Posters, and Presentations
- Jordan L, Arnos S: Patient Assessment and Management in High Dose Rate Brachytherapy. Presentation at Oncology Nursing Society, Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., May, l990
- Ashley Lee J: Taming Data Management. Poster Presentation Oncology Nursing Society, Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., May 1990.
- Fisher W, Loehrer PJ, Cohen S, Turner S: Clinical Trials in Cancer Therapy: Efforts to Improve Patient Entry by Community Oncologists. Presentation at ASCO, Atlanta GA, May 1987.
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