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Melanoma Publications

Following is a cumulative list of Hoosier Cancer Research Network publications in melanoma.

Manuscripts and Journal Articles

  • Matthew Boudreau, Emily Tonogai, Claire Schane, Min X. Xi, James Fischer, Jayanthic Vijayakumar, Yanc Ji, Theodore Tarasow, Timothy Fan, Paul Hergenrother, Arkadiusz Dudek. The combination of PAC-1 and entrectinib for the treatment of metastatic uveal melanoma: MEL18-372. Melanoma Research, December 2023. See Abstract. 
  • Chapman PB, Einhorn LH, Meyers ML, Saxman SB, Destro AN, Panageas KS, Begg CB, Agarwala SS, Schuchter LM, Ernstoff MS, Houghton AN, Kirkwood JM. A Phase III Multicenter Randomized Trial of the Dartmouth Regimen Versus Dacarbazine Alone in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma: A MSK Cancer Center, New York, NY; Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, IN; University of Pennsylvania Medical Center, Philadelphia, and University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA; Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, Lebanon, NH; Hoosier Oncology Group, Indianapolis, IN; and ECOG, Boston, MA. J Clinical Oncology, Vol. 17, number 9, September 1999; pp2745-2751.
  • Mandanas R, Schultz S, Scullin D, Einhorn, LH. Phase II Trial of Cimetidine in Metastatic Melanoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Trial. Am J Clin Oncol (CCT) 14(5): 307-399, 1991.

Abstracts, Posters, and Presentations

  • Suthee Rapisuwon, Richard D. Carvajal, George Ansstas, Katy K. Tsai, Leonel Fernando Hernandez-Aya, Shaheer Khan, Sunandana Chandra, J. William Harbour, Jeffrey A. Sosman, Adil Daud, Christina Decatur, Deniz Ozisik, Ming Tony Tan, Michael B. Atkins, Sapna Pradyuman Patel. Phase II multi-center study of adjuvant nivolumab in combination with ipilimumab in patients with high-risk uveal melanoma (HCRN MEL17-309). Presented as a rapid oral abstract at the 2024 ASCO Annual Meeting. See abstract. 
  • Suthee Rapisuwon, Sapna P. Patel, Richard D. Carvajal, Leonel F. Hernandez-Aya, Katy Tsai, Sunandana Chandra, Ming T. Tan, Adil Daud, Jeffrey A. Sosman, Michael B. Atkins. Phase II single-arm multi-center study of adjuvant ipilimumab in combination with nivolumab in subjects with high-risk ocular melanoma: MEL17-309. Accepted to the 16th International Congress of the Society for Melanoma Research, Nov. 20-23, 2019, Salt Lake City, Utah. See abstract.
  • Saxman SB, Meyers ML, Chapman PB, Destro AN, Panageas KS, Begg CB, Monaco F, Agarwala SS, Schuchter LM, Ernstoff MS, Einhorn LH, Kirkwood JM, Houghton AN. A Phase III Multicenter Randomized Trial of DTIC, Cisplatin, BCNU and Tamoxifen Versus DTIC Alone in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group and Walther Cancer Institute trial MEL91-1, Indianapolis, IN. Accepted to the ASCO annual meeting May 15-18, 1999, Atlanta, GA.
  • Whittaker T, Schultz S, Rynard S: Phase II Study of Daily Oral VP-16 in Metastatic Melanoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study MEL89-1. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol, 1992.
  • Munshi NC, Scullin D, Schultz S, Lutz T: Phase II Study of High Dose Cimetidine in Patients with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 7:976, 1988.