A message from our chairman
HCRN Annual Report 2018
For the majority of its 35-year history, Hoosier Cancer Research Network (HCRN) has been one of the best kept secrets in clinical oncology research. Through steady leadership and a responsive organizational structure, HCRN has quietly navigated decades of change in the field of oncology, always keeping the needs of our members at the very heart of our mission and goals. We adapt as nimbly as any organization, yet we remain rooted by our founders’ vision to serve as an unparalleled resource for conducting multi-center investigator-initiated research.
Well, times have changed, and the secret is out. HCRN has become the go-to multi-site collaborator for many of the nation’s top oncology researchers. Just walk the poster aisles or browse the schedule at any of the nation’s top oncology meetings, and we are there.
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