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Kidney Cancer Publications

Following is a cumulative list of Hoosier Cancer Research Network publications in kidney cancer.

Manuscripts and Journal Articles

  • SK Pal, AA Azad, S Bhatia, HA Drabkin, B Costello, J Sarantopoulos, R Kanesvaran, R Lauer, AN Starodub, RJ Hauke, CJ Sweeney, NM Hahn, G Sonpavde, S Richey, T Breen, G Kremmidiotis, AF Leske, E Doolin, DC Bibby, J Simpson, J Iglesias, TE Hutson. A phase I/II trial of BNC105P with everolimus in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) GU09-145. Clin Cancer Res. 2015 Mar 18. pii: clincanres.3370.2014. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25788492
  • R Zon, J McClean, D Helman, R Ansari, J Picus, A Sandler, S Williams, P Loehrer. Altretamine For the Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Trial GU91-1. Invest New Drugs 19(3):229-231, August 2001. See abstract.
  • BR Murphy, SM Rynard, KL Pennington, W Grosh, PJ Loehrer. A Phase II Trial of Vinblastine plus Dipyridamole in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study GU88-1. Am J Clin Oncol(CCT) 17(1):10-13, 1994.
  • BR Murphy, SM Rynard, LH Einhorn, PJ Loehrer: A Phase II Trial of Interferon Alpha-2A Plus Fluorouracil in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study GU90-1. Invest New Drugs 10:225-230, 1992.
  • L Einhorn, SD Williams, S Nattam, D Stephens: High Dose Cimetidine for Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study. Am J Clin Oncol 15:157-159, 1992.

Abstracts, Posters, and Presentations

  • M Serzan, O Jegede, R Alter, M Asim Bilen, D Braun, D Einstein, N Haas, H Hammers, D Herchenhorn, J King, K Runcie, J Sosman, C Sternberg, Y Yang, T Choueiri, S Signoretti, MB Atkins. Advanced renal cell cancer combination immunotherapy clinical trial (ARCITECT; HCRN GU 22-587). Poster Presentation, 2024 ASCO. See abstract. 
  • M Serzan, O Jegede, R Alter, M Asim Bilen, D Braun, D Einstein, N Haas, H Hammers, D Herchenhorn, J King, K Runcie, J Sosman, C Sternberg, Y Yang, T Choueiri, S Signoretti, MB Atkins. Advanced renal cell cancer combination immunotherapy clinical trial (ARCITECT; HCRN GU 22-587). Trials in Progress, 2024 ASCO GU. See abstract. 
  • J Zaemes, M Hugaboom, V Shah, N Haas, D McDermott, O Jegede, M Bilen, M Stein, J Sosman, R Alter, E Plimack, M Hurwitz, C Wu, D Einstein, H Hammers, S Signoretti, D West, T Denize, M Atkins, D Braun. Molecular analysis of the HCRN GU16-260-Cohort A phase II study of first-line (1L) nivolumab (nivo) and salvage nivo + ipilimumab (ipi) in patients (pts) with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (accRCC) (HCRN GU16-260). Poster Presentation, 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. See abstract
  • N El Ahmar, S Matar, O Jegede, Y Nabil Laimon, V Savla, A Bagheri Sheshdeh, T Denize, R Assaad Mohanna, TK Choueiri, PJ Catalano, DA Braun, NB Haas, HJ Hammers, M Asim Bilen, MN Stein, JA Sosman, CJ Wu, DF McDermott, MB Atkins, S Signoretti. Tumor-infiltrating CD163-positive macrophages and clinical outcomes to first-line nivolumab therapy in patients with advanced clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) (HCRN GU16-260). Poster Presentation, 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology GU. See abstract
  • M Hugaboom, K Street, N Ruthen, L Wirth, OA Jegede, N Schindler, DF McDermott, E Plimack, J Sosman, NB Haas, M Hurwitz, H Hammers, S Signoretti, MB Atkins, CJ Wu, D Braun. 1017 SLAMF7+ CD8+ exhausted T cell-specific gene signature is associated with resistance to PD1 blockade in renal cell (HCRN GU16-260). Poster Presentation, 2023 SITC. See abstract
  • MB Atkins, O Jegede, NB Haas, DF McDermott, MA Bilen, J Hawley, JA Sosman, RS Alter, ER Plimack, MC Ornstein, ME Hurwitz, DJ Peace, S Signoretti, CJ Wu, PJ Catalano, HJ Hammers. Phase II study of nivolumab and salvage nivolumab + ipilimumab in treatment-naïve patients (pts) with advanced non-clear cell renal cell carcinoma (nccRCC) (HCRN GU16-260-Cohort B). Presented as poster discussion at the 2021 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. See abstract.
  • MB Atkins, O Jegede, NB Haas, DF McDermott, MA Bilen, CG Drake, JA Sosman, RS Alter, ER Plimack, BI Rini, ME Hurwitz, DJ Peace, S Signoretti, CJ Wu, PJ Catalano, HJ Hammers. Phase II study of nivolumab and salvage nivolumab + ipilimumab in treatment-naïve patients (pts) with advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC) (HCRN GU16-260). Presented as an oral abstract at the 2020 American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting. See abstract.
  • TE Hutson, LH Dang, RC Lauer, A Starodub, RJ Hauke, T Logan, KA Bylow, MD Galsky, DC Bibby, G Kremmidiotis, EE Doolin, TC Lavranos, AF Leske, NM Hahn, G Sonpavde, C Sweeney, J Sarantopoulos. Phase I/II study of a BNC105P/everolimus regimen for progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) following prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Hoosier Oncology Group GU09-145. Accepted to the General Poster Session E at the ASCO 2012 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium, February 2-4, 2012, San Francisco, CA. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl 5; abstr 373)
  • TE Hutson, LH Dang, RC Lauer, A Starodub, RJ Hauke, MD Galsky, KA Bylow, T Logan, CL Cowey, DC Bibby, G Kremmidiotis, EE Doolin, TC Lavranos, G Sonpavde, NM Hahn, C Sweeney, J Sarantopoulos. Phase I results of a phase I/II trial of BNC105P with everolimus in metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC) patients previously treated with VEGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors: Hoosier Oncology Group GU09-145. Accepted to the General Poster Session at the ASCO Annual Meeting, June 1-5, 2012, Chicago IL. J Clin Oncol 30, 2012 (suppl; abstr 4603)
  • TE Hutson, J Sarantopoulos, T Logan, G Sonpavde, MD Galsky, C Sweeney, DC Bibby, G Kremmidiotis, EE Doolin, NM Hahn. Phase I/II study of BNC105P in combination with everolimus or following everolimus for progressive metastatic renal cell carcinoma following prior tyrosine kinase inhibitors.:Hoosier Oncology Group GU09-145. Accepted to the Trial in Progress Poster Session at the ASCO Annual Meeting, June 4-8 2011, Chicago, IL. J Clin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr TPS194)
  • K Pennington, M Gordon, J Picus. A Phase II Trial of Liposomal Doxil in the Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Cancer: A Hoosier Oncology Group (HOG) Study GU94-1. Accepted to the ASCO annual meeting May 16-19, 1998, Los Angeles, CA.
  • J Picus, PR Walker, C Webb, R Gonin, J Woodrupp, J McClean. A Phase II Hoosier Oncology Group Study of Levamisole in the Treatment of Advanced Renal Cell Cancer: A Hoosier Oncology Group and Walther Cancer Institute Trial GU94-1. Accepted to the ASCO Annual Meeting May 18-21, 1996, Philadelphia, PA.
  • J McClean, P Loehrer, J Picus, R Ansari, E Mitchell, R Reynolds, R Capizzi. A Phase II Study of Altretramine for the Treatment of Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group, Walther Cancer Institute, and US Bioscience Trial GU91-1. Accepted to the ASCO Annual Meeting, May 14th – 17th, 1994, Dallas, Texas.
  • B Murphy, S Rynard, L Einhorn, PJ Loehrer: A Phase II Trial of Interferon Alpha-2A Plus 5-Fluorouracil in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study GU90-1. Proc Am Fed Clinical Research: 1991.
  • B Murphy, S Rynard, K Pennington, W Grosh, PJ Loehrer: A Phase II Trial of Vinblastine (VLB) plus Dipyridamole (DP) in Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma (RCC): A Hoosier Oncology Group Study GU88-1. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 10: 1991.
  • L Einhorn, K Pennington, M Miller, S Meyer, D Stephens, S Williams: Phase II Study of High Dose Cimetidine in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Trial of the Hoosier Oncology Group. Proc Am Soc Clin Oncol 8:l48, l989.