A Phase I Trial of Olanzapine (Zyprexa) For the Prevention of Delayed Emesis In Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
- Steve Passik, Patrick Loehrer, Rudolph Navari, Cindy Nagy, Jeanette Sawi, SinHo Jung; A Phase I Trial of Olanzapine (ZYPREXA) For the Prevention of Delayed Emesis in Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy: A Hoosier Oncology Group Study QL00-4. Accepted as a poster presentation for ASCO annual meeting May 18-21, 2002, Orlando, FL.
- Passik SD, Navari RM, Jung SH, Nagy C, Vinson J, Kirsh KL, Loehrer P. A phase I trial of olanzapine (Zyprexa) for the prevention of delayed emesis in cancer patients: a Hoosier Oncology Group study. Cancer Invest. 2004;22(3):383-8. See abstract.
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