HCRN sarcoma co-chairs united in vision and goals for new working group
2023 marked the establishment of a new Sarcoma Clinical Trial Working Group for HCRN. The group brings together some of the sharpest minds in cancer research who are focused on one of the rarest types of cancer.
The working group is led by (pictured from left) Atrayee Basu-Mallick, MD, interim director, Solid Tumor Division, and associate professor at Thomas Jefferson University; Mark Agulnik, MD, professor and section chief of sarcoma medical oncology in the Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research at City of Hope; and Kristen Ganjoo, MD, professor of medicine at Stanford University School of Medicine and the director of Stanford Sarcoma Program. The co-chairs are united in their goal of connecting sarcoma researchers who share a common purpose of finding more treatments for this challenging cancer.
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